Groupon has teamed up with TurboTax to bring you the absolute best exclusive coupons, promo codes, and insider savings! Whether you're a small business owner looking for free tax software or a working stiff in need of audit support, you've come to the rig 9 verified TurboTax coupons and promo codes as of Oct 2. Popular now: Save up to 15 on TurboTax! The# 1 bestselling tax software. If you efiled, but your state website shows no record of your state return, you may not have actually transmitted it. Log into your TurboTax account and make sure your Tax Home page says Filed, and your Return Status says Accepted. If it says Started instead, go here. is a business and financial software company that develops and sells financial, accounting, and tax preparation software and related services for small businesses, accountants, and individuals. The company is headquartered in Mountain View, California. More than 95 of its revenues and earnings come from its activities within the United States. (If using TurboTax on your mobile device's browser, use the TurboTax Online instructions instead. The TurboTax mobile app uses SmartLook TM technology to connect you with a support specialist. You can also opt for a callback: Sign in to the mobile app if you're not already signed in. engages in the provision of business and financial management solutions. The company operates through the following segments: Small Business, Consumer Tax, and ProConnect. See how the power of Intuit Giants can work for you by joining the over 50 million people already using TurboTax, QuickBooks and Mint to power their financial prosperity. TurboTax Business CDDownload is business tax software that makes preparing business taxes easy. Supports s Corp, partnership, C Corp, and multimember LLC or trust tax forms. Automatically import your QuickBooks desktop income and expense accounts. Maximize industryspecific business tax. Intuit is a leader in creating software for business and personal finance solutions. Use Intuit coupons to save on QuickBooks software, QuickBooks Online, and TurboTax, as well as innovative business products like QuickBooks SelfEmployed. Start for Free Connect with OnDemand CPA or EA with TurboTax Live. Quickly connect on your computer screen to get live CPA or EA advice for your 2017 tax return with the all new TurboTax Live. The TurboTax Chase Bank discount is not offered for 2018 but there are other promotions to help Chase customers save big on TurboTax. Use TurboTax Freedom Edition if you earned 33K or less, or are active duty military who earned 64K or less, or you qualify for the earned income tax credit. TurboTax Deluxe Tax year 2014, Federal Returns Federal EFile plus State Returns (PC Mac) Everything in Basic plus searches for over 350 deductions and credits (Sch A, 1040) and helps you avoid triggering an audit Login or sign up to begin powering your financial prosperity. TurboTax is an American tax preparation software package developed by Michael A. Chipman of Chipsoft in the mid1980s. Intuit acquired Chipsoft, based in San Diego, in 1993. Chipsoft, now known as Intuit Consumer Tax Group, is still based in San Diego, having moved into a new office complex in 2007. Intuit Corporation is headquartered in Mountain View, California. Save up to 50 with these current Intuit coupons for October 2018. com coupon codes at CouponFollow. Login to your MyTurboTax account to start, continue, or amend a tax return, get a copy of a past tax return, or check the efile and tax refund status. Filed using TurboTax for years received an audit notice for tax years ending 2014 and 2015 and a notice of proposed assessment for 2016, Schedule C filer using. personalize these articles to match your life! Plus, get 10 off TurboTax Online when you do. TurboTax Need help with your personal or small business taxes? TurboTax support ProFile Need help with your professional tax practice? ProFile support.