A unique documentary on the notorious S21 prison, today the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with testimony by the only surviving prisoners and former Khmer Rouge guards. I have felt a connection and a better understanding of history past and present. I felt gaps of knowledge filled I have felt similarities in my own experiences In life as I struggle to fit in and belong. I have seen the end result of my Father because of the times he lived in. The things he seen he heard he experienced all affected the Man and our lives. Prince Charles on Monday April 8th 2018 visited the BukuLarrnggay Mulka Arts Centre in the Northern Territory, where he met with Yolngu clan leaders and the Member for Nhulunbuy who asked him to intervene on their behalf and acknowledge their people's sovereignty. Gleichzeitig wurden sogenannte Massensuberungen vorgenommen. Wer im Verdacht stand, mit Auslndern zu kollaborieren, wurde mit Ehegatten und Kindern ermordet. Nicht nur Pol Pot und die Roten Khmer machten Minderheiten, vor allem Vietnamesen und. Jaurai bientt le plaisir de retrouver mes chers amis suisses, le 21 avril Etoy, entre Genve et Lausanne, pour une rencontre propos de linitiative monnaie pleine, qui va bientt (en juin prochain) conduire les citoyens Suisses voter euxmmes (carrment) pour ou contre linterdiction faite aux banques prives de crer la monnaie, bouleversement conomique. Produced and directed by the Australian based journalist John Pilger, Utopia is a feature documentary which explores the prejudice that those of Aboriginal heritage experience in modern Austrailia. The majority of John Pilger's 58 documentaries and films are available to watch in their entirety on this page, along with a selection of interviews, speeches and other video featuring John Pilger. info is a Portuguese web site of political analysis. A FUGA AO DLAR INTENSIFICASE A fuga ao dlar como moeda de comrcio internacional acaba de ganhar um aliado importante: nada menos que o ministro alemo dos Negcios Estrangeiros, sr. Every year a report card on the governments performance in lifting Indigenous Australians out of poverty documents more and more failure, and a widening gap. Panellists: Norman Doidge, Psychiatrist and Author of The Brains Way of Healing; Caitlin Doughty, Mortician and Author of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from. John Richard Pilger ( p l d r; born 9 October 1939) is an Australian journalist and BAFTA awardwinning documentary film maker. He has been mainly based in the United Kingdom since 1962. Pilger is a strong critic of American, Australian and British foreign policy, which he considers to be driven by an imperialist agenda. Pilger has also criticised his native country's treatment of. INCONVENIENT TRUTHS You can either be informed and be your own rulers, or you can be ignorant and have someone else, who is not ignorant, rule over you. ANZEIGE Else Ury: Nesthkchen Alle 10 Bnde der NesthkchenReihe mit unverndertem und ungekrztem Originaltext als Taschenbuch. Naomi Klein (born May 8, 1970) is a Canadian author, social activist, and filmmaker known for her political analyses and criticism of corporate globalization and of capitalism. She first became known internationally for her book No Logo (1999); The Take (2004), a documentary film about Argentinas occupied factories, written by her, and directed by her husband Avi Lewis; and significantly. Sie knnen ganz normal bestellen, ohne sich hier einloggen zu mssen. Wer mchte, kann bei hufigeren Bestellungen das Login nutzen, um sich die. Pinpointing the exact moment Rowan Dean lost his mind: a Crikey investigation. See if you can pick the moment he turns. BREAKING ALL THE RULES YouTube Channel. Watch the four hour presentation of the book Suicide of a Superpower Will America Survive to 2025 by author Pat Buchanan Introduction: At its peak, the British Empire was the largest formal empire that the world had ever known. As such, its power and influence stretched all over the globe; shaping it in all manner of ways. Third: You can make a tax deductible contribution via VDARE by clicking here. (Paypal and credit cards accepted, including recurring subscription donations. )Please make sure to click the box for: Make contribution to author. Note: the VDARE site goes up and down on its own schedule, so if this link stops working, please let me know. The kind of consensual frenzy I watched in the House today, with Corbyns nuanced position openly derided even on his own side was chillingly familiar to me. John Pilger's 2016 film The Coming War on China is now available to watch on this site. Pilger reveals what the news doesn't that the world's greatest military power, the United States, and the world's second economic power, China, both nucleararmed, are on the road to war..