Upon reading, directed produced by John Wayne, I was more interested in watching the movie. As a western from late 50early60's, the movie was well written; there were a. John Wayne, pseudonyme de Marion Morrison, est un acteur, ralisateur et producteur amricain n le 26 mai 1907 Winterset et mort le 11 juin 1979 Los Angeles. Au cours de ses cinquante ans de carrire, il a jou dans des films policiers, des films de guerre et quelques comdies romantiques, mais c'est dans ses nombreux westerns que John Wayne s'est rellement impos. John Wayne (Marion Robert Morrison: Winterset, Iowa, Estados Unidos, 26 de mayo de 1907Los ngeles, California, EE. , 11 de junio de 1979), conocido popularmente como The Duke (El Duque), [1 fue un actor estadounidense que comenz su carrera en el cine mudo en la dcada de 1920. Fue el smbolo de lo rudo y masculino, adems fue un icono estadounidense y Smbolo de Amrica durante. John Wayne starb nach fnfzehnjhriger Krankengeschichte 1979 an Magenkrebs. Bereits 1964 war ihm sein linker Lungenflgel entfernt worden. Als mgliche Ursache seiner Krebserkrankung gelten die Umstnde der Dreharbeiten zu Der Eroberer (1956) im USBundesstaat Utah, die in der Nhe des Nevada National Security Site stattfanden. John Wayne, geboren als Marion Robert Morrison (Winterset (Iowa), 26 mei 1907 Los Angeles, 11 juni 1979) was een Amerikaans acteur voornamelijk actief tussen 1926 en 1976. Aanvankelijk had hij enkele bijrollen in stomme films maar stapte al snel over op de, toen nieuwe, geluidsfilm. Het bekendst werd hij door zijn rollen in westerns Alamo (The Alamo) est un film amricain ralis par John Wayne, sorti en 1960 John Wayne was born Marion Robert Morrison in Iowa, to Mary Alberta (Brown) and Clyde Leonard Morrison, a pharmacist. He was of English, UlsterScots, and Irish ancestry. 11 czerwca 1979 w Los Angeles) amerykaski aktor, reyser i producent filmowy, ktry zdoby popularno gwnie dziki rolom w westernach, jedna z najwikszych legend Hollywood. Symbol amerykaskiego indywidualizmu i Zotym Medalem Kongresu i Prezydenckim Medalem Wolnoci John Wayne Plates, Figurines and Other Collectibles. John Wayne gallery of collectors plates, figurines and other collectibles made over the years with a brief description of them. Alamo est un film ralis par John Wayne avec John Wayne, Richard Widmark. Synopsis: En 1836, dans une vieille mission transforme en fort, une centaine de texans rsistent au gnral. John Waynes Filmografie nennt die Filme, in denen der Filmschauspieler John Wayne mitgewirkt hat. In seiner 50jhrigen Filmkarriere war er in mehr als 160 Filmen zu sehen. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen, berwiegend zu Beginn seiner Karriere, hatte er die Hauptrolle. Im GuinnessBuch der Rekorde wird er als Schauspieler mit den meisten Hauptrollen (142) gefhrt. Marion Mitchell Morrison (born Marion Robert Morrison; May 26, 1907 June 11, 1979), known professionally as John Wayne and nicknamed The Duke, was an American actor and filmmaker. An Academy Awardwinner for True Grit (1969), Wayne was among the top box office draws for three decades. Born in Winterset, Iowa, Wayne grew up in Southern California. 1930 The Big Trail; 1931 The Range Fued; 1932 TwoFisted Law Texas Cyclone Ride Him Cowboy Haunted Gold The Big Stampede; 1933 The Telegraph Trail John Wayne was born Marion Robert Morrison in Iowa, to Mary Alberta (Brown) and Clyde Leonard Morrison, a pharmacist. He was of English, UlsterScots, and Irish ancestry. Not Thinkin'Just Rememberi: the Making of John Wayne's The Alamo is an amazing read. There are roughly 1, 00 pages here of facts, trivia, and speculation, all painstakingly researched by John Farkis, whose accomplishment in putting together this book appears to nearly match the effort Wayne put into making the movie itself. Forum Topics Posts Last post; Welcome Rules. Welcome To The Forum A Few Short Rules Moderator: NefariousNed 9 Topics 2149 Posts Last. Born: 26May1907 Birthplace: Winterset, IA Died: 11Jun1979 Location of death: Los Angeles, CA Cause of death: Cancer Stomach Remains: . [1 UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA. Wife: Josephine Alicia Saenz (m. 25Dec1945, two sons, two daughters) Son: Michael Wayne (film producer, b. The Alamo: The Alamo, American epic film, released in 1960, that was John Waynes dream project about the Battle of the Alamo (1836). Frontier legend Davy Crockett (played by Wayne) and his men arrive in San Antonio, Texas, and volunteer to help defend the Alamo John Wayne, pseudonyme de Marion Morrison, est un acteur, ralisateur et producteur amricain n le 26 mai 1907 Winterset (Iowa) et mort le 11 juin 1979 Los Angeles. Au cours de ses cinquante ans de carrire, il a jou dans des films policiers, des films de guerre et quelques comdies. The Official website for John Wayne Enterprises featuring history, images, quotes and The Journal, the online destination for a contemporary look at John Wayne. John Wayne was born May 26, 1907, in Winterset, Iowa. He received his first leading film role in The Big Trail (1930). Working with John Ford, he got his next big break in in Stagecoach. John Wayne, pseudonimo di Marion Michael Morrison (Winterset, 26 maggio 1907 Westwood, 11 giugno 1979), stato un attore e regista statunitense. Soprannominato Duke (), cominci la carriera con il cinema muto negli anni venti, diventando poi fra gli anni quaranta e gli anni settanta uno degli attori pi famosi del mondo, celebre soprattutto per i suoi film western, ma anche per molti. A complete filmography of John Wayne from 1926 to 1976, which also includes those films that Wayne only produced, and results pertaining to his longrunning box office popularity between 1949 and 1973, during the height of his career after a decade of starring in a succession of lowbudget Bmovies John Wayne (de son vrai nom Marion Michael Morrison) est n le 26 mai 1907 Winterset, Iowa (USA). N de l'union de Mary Brown et Clyde Morrison, pharmacien. Ses parents partirent s'installer en Californie en 1916, tout prs d'un village baptis Hollywood..