Egy meg nem rtett zseni. Tim Burton olyan filmekkel ajndkozta meg a vilgot, melyek thgtk a filmkszts ratlan szablyait. Mesivel sajtos stlust alaktott ki. Tim Burton est n le 25 aot 1958 et grandit dans la maison familiale de Burbank, une petite ville Californienne situe aux alentours de Los Angeles qui avait pour particularit daccueillir bon nombre de studios de cinma trs renomms tels Columbia, Warner Bros. Timothy Walter Tim Burton (Burbank, 25 agosto 1958) un regista, sceneggiatore, produttore cinematografico, scrittore, animatore e disegnatore statunitense, noto per il suo cinema dalle ambientazioni spesso fiabesche e gotiche, talvolta incentrato su temi quali l'emarginazione e la solitudine, incarnati di frequente da personaggi eccentrici e stravaganti. Alice, an unpretentious and individual 19yearold, is betrothed to a dunce of an English nobleman. At her engagement party, she escapes the crowd to consider whether to go through with the marriage and falls down a hole in the garden after spotting an unusual rabbit. Tim Burton zeigte schon als Kind zeichnerisches Talent. Seinen ersten Film, The Island of Doctor Agor, drehte er 1971 im Alter von 13 Jahren. Mit einem Stipendium der DisneyStudios studierte er drei Jahre Trickfilmkunst am California Institute of the Arts. Er bekam eine Anstellung bei Disney, nachdem er als Zeichner von Zwischenphasen beim 1978 erschienenen Der. Con Eva Green, Colin Farrell, Danny DeVito, Michael Keaton, Alan Arkin. La storia di Holt (Colin Farrell), un tempo artista del circo che, dopo aver combattuto in guerra, torna a casa profondamente cambiato. Timothy Walter Tim Burton (Burbank, California; 25 de agosto de 1958) es un director, productor, escritor y diseador estadounidense. [1 [2 La mayora de sus pelculas se caracteriza por la presencia de mundos imaginarios con elementos gticos y oscuros, cuyos protagonistas suelen ser seres inadaptados y enigmticos. Este sello de identidad se hace patente en pelculas como Batman y. Tim Burton, Producer: Edward Scissorhands. Timothy Walter Burton was born in Burbank, California, to Jean Rae (Erickson), who owned a catthemed gift shop, and William Reed Burton, who worked for the Burbank Park and Recreation Department. He spent most of his childhood as a recluse, drawing cartoons, and watching old movies (he was especially fond of films with Vincent Price). Timothy Walter Burton (born August 25, 1958) is an American film director, producer, artist, writer, and animator. He is known for his dark, gothic, and eccentric horror and fantasy films such as Beetlejuice (1988), Edward Scissorhands (1990), The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), Ed Wood (1994), Sleepy Hollow (1999), Corpse Bride (2005), Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007. From visionary filmmakers Tim Burton (The Nightmare Before Christmas) and Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted) and Academy Awardnominated director Shane Acker comes this visually stunning and original epic adventure. This new, liveaction grand adventure Dumbo expands on the beloved classic story where differences are celebrated, family is cherished and dreams take flight. Tim Burton est un ralisateur, scnariste et producteur de cinma amricain, n le 25 aot 1958 Burbank (). Adepte du fantastique et influenc par Edgar Allan Poe, il est largement reconnu comme tant bon conteur et graphiste; il signe notamment la mise en scne de Beetlejuice, Batman, Edward aux mains dargent, Batman: Le Dfi, Ed Wood, Sleepy Hollow, Big Fish, Charlie et la. Dumbo is an upcoming American fantasy adventure film directed by Tim Burton and written by Ehren Kruger. It is loosely inspired by Walt Disney's 1941 animated film of the same name, which, in turn, was based on the novel by Helen Aberson and Harold Pearl. The film stars Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Eva Green, and Alan Arkin. Plans of a liveaction Dumbo remake were announced in. Chart of all time worldwide box office grosses, combining domestic and foreign grosses. Batman un film del 1989, diretto da Tim Burton. Basato sull'omonimo personaggio della DC Comics, interpretato da Michael Keaton, con Jack Nicholson nel ruolo del supercriminale Joker, Kim Basinger in quello di Vicki Vale, e Jack Palance nel ruolo del potentissimo boss mafioso gothamita Carl Grissom. Fu il primo della serie di film su Batman prodotti dalla Warner Bros. Timothy Walter (Tim) Burton (Burbank, 25 augustus 1958) is een Amerikaanse tekenaar, filmregisseur en producent. Hij valt op door zijn donkere humor, gothicstijl en referenties aan cartoons en horrorfilms Tim Burton, wac. 25 sierpnia 1958 w Burbank) amerykaski reyser, producent i scenarzysta filmowy. Duchom introvert, vzorom extrovert. Tima Burtona mte vnma ako podivnho, uletenho, extravagantnho i ialenho loveka. A zrove aj ako inteligentnho, kultivovanho a vemi. Celebrate some of Tim Burton's best works with this 7movie Bluray collection featuring an allnew premium hardcover book. Collectible hardcover book contains 64 pages of rare, neverbeforeseen photos and illustrations. Few Hollywood filmmakers have left as distinctive a mark on modern cinema as Tim Burton. Not only has he created a number of memorable films that have inspired countless other filmmakers over the years, but hes also developed a signature, quirky style that has made him an iconic director and. Tim Burton est un ralisateur que j'affectionne toujours. J'espre juste qu'il va retrouver son inspiration et ne produira plus de commandes aprs Dumbo. Pour plus de dtails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Sleepy Hollow: La Lgende du cavalier sans tte (Sleepy Hollow) est un film fantastique amricain de Tim Burton, librement adapt de la nouvelle homonyme de Washington Irving, La Lgende de Sleepy Hollow, et sorti en 1999. Il a pour acteur principal Johnny Depp, qui incarne un inspecteur de police de New York charg de. Aprs des tudes la California Institute of the Arts, Tim Burton dbute chez Disney dans les annes 70, collaborant l'animation de plusieurs dessins anims, dont Rox et Rouky..